Wednesday, January 21, 2009

3 signs project.

3 poster project

These are images I want to use for the poster. One image on each poster. For the two colors I'm thinking of this color. I think I've settled on Clarendon typeface. I have not used that font before.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Map of a Routine: elements revealed.

the ghost of bad dreams last night, yesterday and all that tags along with it remains left behind.

rumpled sheets  pillows askew comforter tossed aside
like a crime scene. what happened here, exactly?

lovely nights sleep and a stellar previous day shake out the imprint of me

step back and look at the view
it is time to renew  setting the scene for a brand new day.

an element seems out of line. color. line. texture. size.

a touch mad with perfection tendencies?

fulfill my theory. art can reside anywhere.

This is my first edit. I am seeing the routine as metaphor for finding design everywhere and the slightly nervous tick I have that I can't turn off my graphic eye. Everything I see is open for graphic scrutiny. Even making my bed. I had no idea when I thought of mapping this particular routine that hidden inside would be this other subject. So I feel creative vigor towards this project. I had taken it quite literally at first and saw the project simply as a film strip progression of a routine. I'm working on images today. I have not used a digital camera, only my ancient 35mm. 

Monday, January 5, 2009

A map of a routine.

Making my bed. To me there is nothing quite as sad as coming home to an unmade bed. If I climb into bed at night and I haven't made my bed in the morning it feels like last night, yesterday and all that tags along with it remains left behind. This could be the ghost of bad dreams, or perhaps a day I'd rather forget. The rumpled sheets, pillows askew and the comforter tossed aside. It's almost like a crime scene. What happened here, exactly? Even with a lovely nights sleep and a stellar previous day it is still time to renew. This is why I created the routine of making my bed every day.

Making my bed is my way of starting fresh & setting the scene for a brand new day. I like to fluff the pillows and shake their creases out. Shake out the imprint of me on my feather bed and duvet. 

Now it is time to reassemble the pieces. Most days I put every bed item back as it was the day before. But because I have graphic design inclinations the overall finished look of the bed must combine these elements in balance & harmony:
  • color
  • texture
  • size
Sometimes I make my bed (just like when I work on a creative project) I will step back and look at the view. If an element seems out of line I will adjust it. Keep in my that my bed had many pillows, covers and chenille blanket. 

Does this behavior make me a touch mad with perfection tendencies? Or, does it fulfill my theory that art can reside anywhere?